i'd like to see the world for once all standing hand in hand
2003-03-09 || 9:04 a.m.

Yesterday I was reading some of the educational articles that my dad cuts out of the papers for me. There was one about a 13 year old girl who had written a whole English essay in mobile phone text speak and the focus of the piece was on how 'shocked and upset' her teacher was and how literacy standards are declining blah blah.

Call me an arsehole hippy if you like but if I was her teacher I'd think firstly what a clever idea to write differently, to try out something new. Secondly I'd think that seeing as texting is such a big part of life for teenagers its no surprise that they are comfortable using it. Thirdly I'd think 'great, I've found something she is enthusiastic about and can do well'. Next I'd think that actually being able to write in text speak is a clever manipulation of language, so really her grasp of language skills must be well above average and her creative and imaginative skills very good indeed. And finally I would use it in my own teaching. If they like writing in text messages let them. Get them to teach me. I'm crap at it. We could make glossaries of text speak when doing information text work. We could design those little love heart sweets with cool messages written in text. I could write text messages on the board and we could translate them into standard English and vice verse. We could write fiction stories where teenagers are texting each other and have the narrative in standard English and the converstaions in text. There are so many possibilities.

What on earth good is the point of getting annoyed and being 'shocked' at it.

I can remember when I was very small at school, having to write in the style of telegrams which really wasn't so far removed from text messaging. That sort of thing has always been part of literacy and its good because it shows an understanding and ability to play with language.

Its like that point of view re refugees where people put kids that cannot speak English in the bottom set or label them as special needs. Many of these kids speak at least one language to begin with. Within a few months they will be fluent in English. That's not fucking special needs so far as I can see. They are probably way better with language that I will ever be.

I just so blame the early 1970's for this. All I want is to live in a world of tolerance like that stupid 'I'd like to teach the world to sing' coca cola advert. I want to travel around in a van like the fucking mystery machine and marry a guy like Marc Bolan.

What a total fuckwit I am.


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