sometimes the world looks pretty
2003-01-08 || 5:01 p.m.

Oh my goodness this is what I just love about this country: It snows - school closes!

Yaaaay. No school tomorrow!

I am officially on 'directed time doing my planning at home'. Am I fuck! I have no stuff - it's all at school.

So I am officially on 'sleep in late and doss all day'.

My daughter is the best in the whole world. We were walking home tonight and once we got further from the town and nearer home we began to see a lot of snow that no-one had been near. Outside the Methodist church Rebecca just said 'oh, don't you just want to roll in that' then she said 'hold that' gave me her bag, hopped over the fence, ran around in a circle rolled over on the ground, threw snow over her head, hopped back over the fence and we carried on home.

As we came in the door she said, 'that was the best walk ever'.

It possibly was.


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