Shiny sparkly things
2002-09-18 || 7:49 p.m.

I had this really good idea at work today. I had a staff meeting this evening. I was wearing my big goth black leather coat (well its not leather, because I try to avoid leather) and with my long black hair I thought I could plug my walkman ear plugs into my ears, sit with my hair hanging down my face and have a jolly old time indeed at the staff meeting.

But I didn't.


We had a literacy consultant come in, very boring. Any talk about literacy sends me instantly to sleep and I'm literacy co-ordinator at the school! haha.

Somehow people were talking about 'Lord of the Rings' and some character that I think is called 'Gollam' or something. Marilyn said he was all dressed in black and liked dark places and was lonely and sad, and I said - out loud - 'ooh sounds like me'.

I rather thought the laughs were slightly too enthusiastic.

I was getting my class to do the register this afternoon. I like them to each call their name out in order - saves my voice. They were VERY slow. So at the end I asked them for some good, descriptive words to describe how they had done the register. They came up with things like. 'dreadful, appalling, awful, disgraceful, rubbish' and then my favourite (why are my favourites always called George?) said 'crap'. Really made me laugh.

Beautiful things that I like:

Those little flowers in Klimt paintings. The sea. Pre-Raphaelite art. Flowers especially little ones like forget-me-nots. Lillies, gypsophelia, foxgloves. Dogs and rabbits. The poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, T S Eliot, Sorley McLain. Clear starry nights. Being in bed hearing the wind and rain outside but especially the wind and especially when there is a chimney breast in the bedroom. Glass bead curtains. Wilton carpets. Naked men - hey especially on Wilton carpets! Paisley patterns. Patterns in general really, Islamic art. Weeping willows. Polished stones. Candles, especially big church ones. Petals. Art Deco. The Oxo tower. The Chrysler building. The Hoover building. The Moonlight Sonata. Mozart clarinet concertos. Shostakovich. The sound of a train.


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