How does it feel to be the mother of ... 33.
2002-05-10 || 7:17 p.m.

I'm having strange dreams again but I just can't quite grasp them when I try to remember what they were.

I've been too tired to write in here the last couple of days.

My disguise is slipping. One of my children said today, "Miss Vincent, Daniel Shepherd says you're not a Christian!". I replied, "Well, I wasn't aware I'd been discussing my spiritual beliefs with Daniel Shepherd!". The aforementioned DS then looked sheepish and squirmed a bit in his chair. I said to him that there are lots of ways of believing. And he was happy enough to leave it there. Not surprisingly.

Sometimes I feel like mother of 33 rather than mother of 1. Yesterday George Hunter and Alice split up. Apparently she dumped him in the playground. He was devastated. He spent the whole afternoon howling. Alice couldn't have cared less. I had to have a word with her and tell her not to play with people's feelings. They reunited after that. Today, much to my relief, George brought his WWF photos in and spent the day with the lads looking at them!

I have been trying to get them to listen to each other more and so I've been doing this lovely hippy thing of 'circle time'. Its great. Really it is. To reinforce how special each of them are I drew a bunch of balloons and photocopied it for each of them. In each balloon they had to write something they like doing. This is to boost their self esteem and also to show them that they have stuff in common with others. Georgia came up to me and asked me if I could write a sentence for her in her vocabulary book. I said of course I could. The sentence: I like digging in the mud for worms!

Michael gave me his reading record book for me to sign. I gave him 2 housepoints because he had written "I read the back of my bookmark!" Which made me laugh.

But my most favourite quote comes from Adam, well actually there's two I rather like. The first one was when we were discussing prime ministers and I asked them if women could be prime ministers. They were quite divided on this. I then said that at the time they were born we did indeed have a female prime minister called Margaret Thatcher. Adam called out, "oh, but she's a transexual!"

I do wonder what I am like in their eyes because the other day Adam came up to me and told me that when he grows up he is going to marry a bossy woman.

I know, I know, talking about your children - interesting to you - totally boring to others.

But I'm afraid I have no inspiration at present. I cannot think of a thing to write.


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