Elemental Child
2002-06-29 || 6:13 p.m.

I'm having a break at the moment. I'm writing my school reports this weekend. Its very, very time consuming, especially when you have a hangover.

Yes! I actually had a good evening out last night.

Being me and being a dickhead (or whatever the female equivalent of a dickhead is - cunthead maybe?) I decided to walk the 4 miles to the pub last night. I got there and they were genuinely pleased to see me. I mean it. You could tell by the things they were saying. Cathy really liked her birthday present too. The evening was just really nice and I really felt as though maybe I did actually have some friends. They are all very unlike me. They do things like kiss each other goodbye which is just not something me and my other friends do. But its actually really nice to be hugged and kissed goodbye and I think I could get used to it.

Paradoxically Rebecca had a bizarre and strange evening. I won't go into it here but if you visit rollerqueen.diaryland.com you can read all about it. I would imagine, given her literary talents, that it is infinitely more entertaining that any of my offerings but please don't desert me! Do come back.

I did see Rebecca when I was walking over to the pub. Her and her friend Helen were coming up the hill followed by a girl who was scowling and looking at the ground and a boy with Downs who was trying desperately to keep up with them. I'm such a wuss that I just wanted to cry.

These are the things that I have cried at this week:

The commitment of people who foster children.

An article in the Guardian about a woman with two autistic children.

The man selling the Big Issue in Canterbury.

The drink I spilled in the kitchen this morning.

The dog.

The economic and environmental rape of the planet by McDonalds.

Being attacked by Alain on Tuesday.

My bathroom door being fucked.

The thought of writing my reports.

My job generally.


David sending me kind text messages.

And the list could go on...

What a wanker I am eh?


And when I finish writing my reports I've got a new T-Rex sessions CD to listen to. Yay.


layout by tyrannosaurus bex.������������(espers)