Queen Bitch
2002-07-16 || 4:34 p.m.

So, how does it feel to be persona non gratia?

Well, its bad enough when you just guess you are, but when you actually know ...

Queen troll was not only sharpening her knives, she was plunging them right in up to the hilt, but that's ok because I've got lots of axes to grind.

Queen Maria had her birthday some day last week. One year older, another stone heavier. Last Thursday she invited certain select members of staff to birthday drinkie poos Monday night. Certain select members of staff - ie married, upstanding members of staff not slaggy, single parent, pierced members of staff. She had ample opportunity to ask me, Helen and Marilyn but neglected to. Me and Helen spent Monday afternoon with our kids watching 'Oliver' on video, whilst we wrote bitchy notes to each other about the Wonderful M. Childish but true.

To be honest I find it all a but upsetting. Its personal now. I am not socially acceptable. When you work in a small place its simple: you invite all the staff or you invite the management (if you are management) or your colleagues you directly work with. You DO NOT pick and choose. It just creates bad feeling and makes people feel like shitty little pieces of scum - which is how she has made me feel.

Anyway, that's one thing off my chest.

Now to gripe no.2.

It gets worse, if you can believe it.

I have this lovely girl called Keeley in my class. She is a real sweetheart. Eager to please, hard working, kind, generous. Today we had the dress rehearsal for 'Oliver'. Keeley and her brother Aaron turned up an hour late in the hall doorway. I was too far away from them to get to them - hemmed in by hordes of under sevens (nightmare!) Anyway, Queen Bitch stomps over to them, hands on hips, face in perpetual pout (I hope she gets horrific wrinkles). I can't hear what she is saying but her body language says it all - major fucking strop at a 9 and 7 year old. Nice.

When I finally get upstairs to my classroom I find Keeley is distraught - hysterical. She is crying so much she cannot speak. To cut a long story short her dad dropped her and her brother at the childminder this morning, didn't check they were there and the poor kids were left on the doorstep for an hour until a neighbour brought them to school. Top Troll had just finished poor Keeley off moaning at her for being late for school.

Question: How is it a child's fault if they are late for school?

Answer: It just fucking can't be, can it.

To say I was seething with anger would be an understatement.

She is a bully and a bitch - pure and simple.

And I hate her.


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