je regrette ...
2006-03-13 || 5:31 p.m.

Yesterday Bex casually remarked that she thought having any regrets was a waste of time. I replied that actually I have two real regrets. Real ones of the kind that if I could go back in time I would very definitely do things differently. That intrigued both Bex and Kory and they spent the next half hour trying to work out what my two regrets could possibly be. Kory very quickly guessed one of them and then bizarrely they turned me into a kind of after dinner game. Both of them did not want to say aloud what their final guess was so they took tiny bits of paper and wrote their guesses down and then swapped them and read them. Between them they decided that Bex's guess was probably the correct one. (Yes, and I was still sitting there feeling rather bemused by this point. How could I possibly be this interesting?) So they read it out to me.

But they were wrong. And still no-one has guessed.


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