it still is that my head is haunted
2002-10-06 || 7:26 p.m.

I've just been singing the Pixies to the dog. He looked at me with his big brown eyes and licked the end of my nose. He seemed to enjoy it well enough, although I'm not sure he was totally aware of what was going on.

Its getting late and its dark and Rebecca is still not home. If I ask her to be home when it is still light she accuses me of trying to ruin all her fun. Being a parent to a teenager is not much fun. I know she has to discover the world on her own terms but I want her to be safe.

I'm not well (again) - boring I know. Yet another cold. I'm going to stave it off with proper food. Tonight we are having home made nut roast which is something I have not made in months and months. I make this lovely gravy with marmite and soya sauce. It is fucking gorgeous.

I am depressed. But at least I made it to Sunday evening before it kicked in proper. I have no RB's and I'm pretty pissed at that. I just need badly at the moment.

Fucking Hell. Rebecca has her mobile switched off. Where the fuck is she?

I am just about to eat so many vegetables that any cold should get the hint to FUCK RIGHT OFF.

But I still want to hurt.


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