2002-09-10 || 10:21 p.m.

I wonder whether, during the second world war, that prisoners were allowed out if they joined the armed forces.

I wish there was some way of banning certain people from your dreams.

I walked to school this morning with the lines from 'Hotel Yorba' - let's get married, in a big cathedral by a priest, because if I'm the man you love the most, you can say 'I do' at least'. And I wished that I didn't.

I have a tummy ache and I'm tired.

Three of my children just would not go home tonight. In the end I had to escape from the classroom and go down the staff stairs.

Most of my class went to assembly without their jumpers on. Maria felt it necessary to make a special announcement at the end about how it was not acceptable to walk around the school without your jumper. I didn't fucking notice.

The autumn leaves keep getting caught in Dylan's fur.


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