Some people might say my life is in a rut, they'd be quite right too.
2002-05-05 || 11:28 a.m.

Ok. So I have tried and tried to avoid the housework. I started off on VH1 classic but it got too eighties and so I moved onto MTV2. Then all the channels had their adverts at once. I went back to VH1 and VH1 classic and BOTH were showing Bono. How I hate Bono. I took this as a sign. I have to do the housework.

The other day when I was teaching RE at school I was trying to persuade the kids that Judas was the true hero of the story because he had the hardest job of all to do. I don't think they had ever heard anyone say anything like that before - he is always the baddie. Anyway, hopefully my heretical views will get back to the wonderful Maria. Her son is in my class after all!


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