It won't be tonight
2002-04-29 || 9:09 p.m.

I'm wearing my 'B' list boots today because my 'A' list boots broke. (I wore them too much). These boots look like black wellies and I feel like Hayley Mills in 'Whistle Down the Wind'.

I only hope I can stay away from strange men in barns. Although then again ...

Well, I had a few things on my mind I was going to write about here. Firstly I was playing a tape and it had The Smiths on it and I just thought how funny it is that other people think they are really depressing but they just make me want to dance.

Then 'Charlotte Sometimes' came on by The Cure. I would like the song anyway because there's something about The Cure. But the fact that its about my favourite ever book means that I just love it. I always liked historical books when I was young. Now I don't know if my so called 'past life' memories stem from my liking for history or my liking for history from my 'memories'. I can remember being very small and asking my mum when long dresses would come back into fashion and she said, 'never' and I was really shocked.

Then I thought maybe I would talk about Rebecca and how she made me laugh today. We were walking the dog and she said, "do you know, the Red Hot Chili Peppers write in oxymorons?" and I said "what are you talking about?" and she said, "well, in Californication they say hardcore soft porn and that's an oxymoron!"

It was really windy and so we decided to sing because we didn't think anyone would hear us. We were singing 'Children of the Revolution' and then we thought it would be funny to imagine what it would be like if the Tastee Bros had joined Marc Bolan on stage. I know, you had to be there.

God, never mind the Buzzcocks is on the TV and I just guessed all the 'we're doing the wrong dance to the music' round right.

Time for bed said Zebedee.


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