Numerology sucks
2002-02-13 || 12:31 p.m.

Hell, I've got punters!

I may have to think about changing my layout - possibly.

Thinking also about joining a cult. You know I think that would be comforting if you could get over the fact that they only want your money and don't actually care about your psyche. I saw this ad in the local paper for 'psychic studies course' located at Bromley. This is a cover for a cult. I cannot remember which one but they used to advertise a ten week philosophical course of study covering questions such as 'why we are here' etc. I've got a book about this cult but I can't for the life of me remember who they are at the momement. When I do remember I may just join up. If nothing better comes along in the meantime.

Be joining them soon then, won't I.

My dog bears a really strong and strange resemblance to Jim out of Jimmy Eat World.

I think its time for some girly talk.

Yesterday I very nearly bought a pair of lovely baggy black cords from Camden Market. Trouble was, they were too long. It was only after I got home that I thought about taking them up. Well, I had thought about that before of course but I don't have a sewing machine. Anyway, the thought occurred to me last night that I could take them to a shop that does alterations. So I may very well go back and buy them later this week.

What is it about time that it doesn't exist and yet constrains you at the same time? Answers on a postcard please.

My daughter has just turned on Jerry Springer - Feisty women fight back! This show really bugs me. Its so obviously staged, including the audience. Jerry is the most frightening aspect. I think he very well may be the face of all evil. He was born in the UK as well. He has this trick of using his disarming manner to appear sincere but really he's just a giant shit stirrer. Yesterday (yes, I was watching it) he said that all love is doomed to fail - that's my paraphrase but that was his message. This I think is irresponsible. True, probably, but not to be voiced by Jerry.

Time to go. Rebecca has just nearly fainted with hunger because I'm such a bad mother. Its 10 to 1 in the afternoon and I've been on the internet all morning fucking about getting free numerology reports. They were really inaccurate as well. I would put in the address here for anyone who wants a free inaccurate numerology report but I'm not sure where it was. But if you want one, then go to Google and put in 'free numerology report' - you'll be sure to be disappointed.

See ya.


layout by tyrannosaurus bex.������������(espers)