Lifts, trains and ... er ... other things
2002-12-28 || 10:04 a.m.

I still have a tummy ache. It must have been hurting in the night because it was in my dreams. I do get spooked by my dreams lately. Last night, in between dreaming that I needed to go into hospital for some kind of gynacalogical operation due to my stomach ache, I dreamt that I was looking for a station. I was directed to some steps that led down to the platform. The platform was totally crowded and people were pushing and shoving to get onto the only train that had arrived. I decided to let the train go and wait for the next one where I figured I would be right at the front of the platform and so get on easier.

That's lifts and trains so far this week. Scary. Journeys? New beginnings? Links with other places? Why can't I have one of those bog standard dreams like the naked one, or the going to the toilet one, or the running but getting nowhere one. Or, even better suggestion, why can't I have one of those incredibly rare dreams I get every now and again where I dream about sex! Yes, that would be better than fucking lifts and trains, for Christ's sake!

I have to get off of here. I have things to do. Justine is coming to see me today. I really do hope she remembers. Rebecca says she will be pissed somewhere and forget but I hope she is wrong.


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