2002-03-15 || 6:15 p.m.

I feel so ill. I will write properly later but just so you can feel sorry for me, here's what's happened in the last 24 hours.

After I put on my DM's I went to the bus stop. The weather was foul; it was raining and windy. I didn't have to wait too long but I was still soaked. Did my shopping but then had to wait over an hour for a taxi to come home.

Last night; woke up at 3 as so stressed about going to work today. Got up late at 6.30am. The day went ok but we had a St Patrick's day party this afternoon and the kids went mental. You should have heard them barking when we played 'who let the dogs out'. Well funny. Got my stuff together to come home (also had a moan down the pub at lunchtime about Maria). Rebecca came to meet me. I had my backpack and four bags of books so I called a cab. Over an hour before they could come. Helen offered to bring me home. Great. Get out of car. Pile bags up at front of house, remember I've not got my keys. AAARGGHH. The two sets of other people who have my keys are both out of the country!! I had to call a locksmith. �70.50 later I'm back indoors. (and all he did was open my window with a bit of plastic and hook Rebecca's bag off the seat with a wire coat hanger!! They saw me coming).

You think your life sucks!


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